AN exhibition showcasing the work of wildlife and landscape artist Jonathan Pomroy will be held next weekend.

Jonathan will be exhibiting his many paintings at Gilling East village hall over the spring bank holiday weekend.

The exhibition will feature Jonathan's work in the Gilling East area alongside sketches of the coast and moors of North Yorkshire. The exhibition will also show Jonathan’s sketchbooks and his working methods.

Last November Jonathan won the Birdscapes Gallery Conservation through Art award at the Society of Wildlife Artists 60th annual exhibition at Mall Galleries, London, for using his art for the conservation of common swifts.

Jonathan, who is also a co-founder of Helmsley Swifts and author of On Crescent Wings- a Portrait of the Swift, talks about the species at events across the country.

He said: "The book has given me a platform from which to help swifts as they face national decline. The village hall already hosts several pairs of breeding swifts and last year he donated a triple cavity swift nest box to help secure their numbers- the village hall grounds are enhanced by the sight and sound of these iconic summer visitors from May to August.

"I also use my blog and social media following to educate people about this wonderful bird which will grace Ryedale's skies again in the next week or so."

Jonathan also serves on the committee of House Martin Conservation UK and Ireland. This new charity was formed to highlight the decline of this beautiful summer visiting bird that builds mud nests under eaves. Alongside the exhibition Jonathan will be offering advice on how you can help swifts and house martins and with luck visitors will be able to watch both species from the village hall.

Jonathan said: "I work as much as possible outside in all winds and weather, preferring to sketch in pencil and watercolour, a medium that allows me to work fast. My main motivation to paint is to share my passion for the natural world with others. By inspiring others, I hope that my art can play a part in nature conservation."

The exhibition will be open at Gilling East village hall from May 4 to 6, open 10am- 5pm. Admission is free.

On Sunday, May 5, Jonathan will lead a dawn chorus walk from the hall, starting at 5.30am. The cost is £5 including breakfast on return from the walk. Booking is essential at

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